Oestrus ovis, the sheep bot fly, is a widespread species of fly of the genus oestrus. In some areas of the world it is a significant pest which affects the agricultural economy. Despite of the cosmopolitan distribution of this agent, the. Oestrus ovis is of the family oestridae, and is primarily seen in sheep and goats, but occasionally seen in ibex, camels and humans. More it is known as animal of the head, parasitic rinite or false match. Pdf sheep and goat breeds from subtropical, middle and high latitudes show seasonal changes in reproductive activity.
It is known for its parasitic predation and damage to sheep, deer, goats and sometimes cattle. The female fly is viviparous and deposits larvae in or around the nostrils of its host. There have also been many records of horse, dog and human infestation. Mature larvae are around 30mm and are yellow in colour. The animal kingdom, arranged according to its organization, serving as a foundation for the natural history of animals and an introduction to comparative anatomy 1834 18009488608. The larvae then migrate up the nasal passage into the dorsal turbinates and sinuses, where they develop for weeks to months before coming out to pupate on the ground. Introduction oestrosis is a worldwide myiasis caused by larvae of the fly, oestrus ovis linne 1761, diptera. Pdf reproductive seasonality and its control in spanish. The adult oestrus ovis fly deposits larvae around the animals nostrils. Recoleccion, conservacion y transferencia embrionaria capitulo 12. A fase parasitaria iniciase apos as femeas adultas depositarem suas larvas nas. Ocasionalmente tambien puede parasitar, entre otros, a cabras, equinos, perros, bufalos y ciervos. Oestridae is an important myiasisproducing agent of sheep and goats in diverse production environments. Reproductive seasonality and its control in spanish sheep and goats.
The adult fly is 15mm in length and grey in colour, with black spots along the abdomen. Oestridae, which are obligatory parasites of the nasal and sinus cavities of sheep and goats. No seio frontal e meato dos cornetos nasais a larva causa irritacao da mucosa levando a rinite catarral com espirros eou corrimento nasal purulento taylor et al. Analysis of somatic and salivary gland antigens of third stage larvae of rhinoestrus spp. Parasito oestrus ovis, ovejas y cabras, respuestas. Pdf analysis of somatic and salivary gland antigens of.
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